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Visit / Exhibitions / As Found: Lost Practice

As Found: Lost Practice 06 Feb 2015 – 18 Mar
Alcove - Level 2

In post-war peacetime Britain, architects were involved in creating a whole mass of new public buildings whose purpose was to help reshape our society in a spirit of social co-operation. Buildings, and the jobs created through making new buildings, were a central part of helping the economy recover after the war effort. Architecture and planning became vital in stimulating economic growth, and were also seen as central to helping find solutions to educating the population, providing civilised conditions in which to exist, and creating a fairer, more open kind of society.

In As Found: Lost Practice a small exhibition curated by the Schools Programme at Architecture and Design Scotland, a series of public information posters identify the key motives and ideas that helped create a critical mass of new public schools during the post-war modern era. The posters communicate what these drivers were by setting out some of the lost ideas, practice and thinking that helped shape our built environment in support of a new spirit of the age.

Additional posters illustrate three Scottish examples of buildings that this lost practice created. The first is a primary school in Cumbernauld created by the then relatively young team at Gillespie Kidd & Coia; the second is a high school in East Kilbride created by the more established practice of Basil Spence & Partners; the third is a high school in Kirkcaldy by the Fife County Architects.

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