Scotland’s Centre for
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DECADE: Letting People Lead – Supporting Community Led Regeneration
Architecture + Design Scotland
The Lighthouse
10 November
10.15am - 12.45pm

In Scotland there has been a significant shift from physical regeneration lead by publicly funded urban regeneration companies towards a more people based approach that addresses physical, social and economic change. This shift has been most seismic from 2008 as a result of the global economic crisis and the collapse of the housing market. Scottish Government funding, policy and the Community Empowerment Bill intend to open up ownership to communities and encourage them to take the lead on change.

In taking on this role what are the benefits of co-production where communities have a greater say in how the built and green environment grows up around them? How can this approach tackle inequalities? What support do organisations need to engage with people and communities to achieve this shift? And in turn what support do communities need from these organisations?

The event will include presentations on these topics; sessions to gather the views and ideas of participants and the opportunity to discuss these ideas as a group.

The event will be introduced and chaired by Alan Sim, Board Director of Community Central Halls, Glasgow and A&DS Board Member. Speakers:

  • Linda Gillespie, Programme Manager, Community Ownership Support Service DTAS
  • Gordon Keenan, Chief Officer, Neilston Development Trust
  • Brian MacDonald, SURF – Scotland’s Independent Regeneration Network

This event is part of the DECADE series of talks marking 10 years of Architecture and Design Scotland. #adsdecade


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