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Create / Events & Workshops / Velocity Talks: 2Up 2Down / Homebaked Anfield, Liverpool

Velocity Talks: 2Up 2Down / Homebaked Anfield, Liverpool
Maria Brewster
Conference Suite
16 May
17.30 - 19.30

Maria Brewster, Project Manager, Liverpool Biennial
2Up 2Down / Homebaked Anfield, Liverpool

Artist Jeanne van Heeswijk, commissioned by Liverpool Biennial, has been working with people from Anfield and Breckfield to rethink the future of their neighbourhood.  2Up 2Down provides a way for local people to “take matters into their own hands” and make real social and physical change in their neighbourhood.  Architects and other design specialists have worked with the community to re-model a block of empty property including the former Mitchell’s Bakery and two terraced houses next door.  Taking the whole community as their “client”, they have designed an affordable housing scheme, bakery shop and kitchen, meeting and project spaces, with the needs of real individuals in mind.  The group have also set up Homebaked Community Land Trust – a co-operative organisation with its roots in the garden city movement – to enable the collective community ownership of the properties, and a co-operative business to reopen the Bakery as a social enterprise.


VELOCITY presents a series of regular talks and conversations inviting international, UK and Scottish speakers to address issues arising from the VELOCITY programme.  The events also offer networking opportunities for VELOCITY stakeholders: professionals working in city planning and urban regeneration, creative practitioners, artists, architects, designers, producers and arts professionals.

FREE but booking essential - please call or email The Lighthouse


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