Scotland’s Centre for
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Visit / Exhibitions / Churches in the Modern World

Churches in the Modern World 05 Sep 2012 – 17 Oct
Gallery Two

This exhibition shines a light on a period of extraordinary change in church architecture. It was a time of general movement in architecture, and in wider culture, from tradition and conservatism to modernity, embraced by many church architects and their clients. Key case study buildings will be presented, within the wider context of religious, social and urban change, under three themes: the movement from tradition to modernism in church architecture; the changing roles of liturgy and devotion; and transformations in the relationships between Church and city.

This exhibition is one of the outcomes of an Arts and Humanities Research Council supported project led by Dr Robert Proctor of the Mackintosh School of Architecture at the Glasgow School of Art.

Image Credits:
St Mary, Leyland, by Weightman & Bullen, 1958-64 © Elsam, Mann & Cooper.


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